EU:n merten suojelun tulevaisuus
Merten suojelussa ei kannata aikaa tuhlata EU-direktiivin muutoksiin vaan nyt pitää panostaa jäsenmaiden toimeenpanon parantamiseen (mm. maa- ja kalatalous). EU:n kokonaan uudet sitovat säädökset mm. ennallistamisessa ja kemikaalipäästöjen torjumisessa auttaisivat meren hyvän tilan saavuttamistakin.
Va. toiminnanjohtaja Tapani Veistola vastasi Komission kyselyyn EU:n mertensuojelun tulevaisuusta. Nykydirektiivin (MSFD) toimeenpanoa kannattaa parantaa eikä sitä pidä avata (tiekartan vaihtoehto 3). Jäsenmaissa pitää parantaa suojelun valtavirtaistamista mm. maa- ja kalatalouteen. EU:n kokonaan uudet sitovat säädökset luontotyyppien ennallistamisesta ja kemikaalipäästöjen vähentämisestä auttaisivat merten hyvän tilan saavuttamista.
Protecting the marine environment – review of EU rules
Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation) is the oldest and biggest environmental NGO in Finland.
We have seen how the MSFD has given real added value and new ideas to our old national marine and environmental politics.
The biggest gap has been in the implementation in the Member States: too little progress, too late, too little staff and resources. The main reason behind these problems is often in national administration. For example, in Finland CAP and CFP have been dominated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and they don’t take environmental EU and national targets seriously enough in their semi independent silo.
The solution is not in opening the MSFD, because the main problems are not in the Directive. That is why we agree with Option 3. Opening the Directive may take long time and cause more delays in the implementation and achieving GES.
We think that the best answer is better integration in the EU and Member States (e.g. CAP, CFP, Blue economy, Biodiversity Strategy etc., EU funds).
In addition, some pieces of new binding complementary legislation can help MSFD and Member States to achieve the GES as soon as possible (restoration, ZPAP etc.).
Tapani Veistola
acting executive director
Toiminnanjohtaja Tapani Veistola
- +358 400 615 530
- tapani.veistola(a)