Teollisuuden päästöt – EU:n sääntöjen päivittäminen
Teollisuuspäästödirektiiviä on aika laajentaa vastaamaan myös ilmaston ja kiertotalouden haasteisiin. Siihen kannattaa ottaa myös uusia aloja mukaan. Vaatimustasoa tulee nostaa ja poikkeusmahdollisuuksia vähentää tekemällä direktiivistä asetus. Nämä olivat kolme pointtiamme komission kyselyyn asian etenemissuunnasta.
Erityisasiantuntija Tapani Veistola täytti Euroopan komission etenemissuunnitelmaa koskevan kyselylomakkeen.
Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation) is the oldest and biggest environmental NGO in Finland.
We have been quite happy with the IPPC/IED, but we largely agree with the analysis by the European Commission. Now it is high time to take the next step forward and make a review of the IED. There are our three main messages for further work.
The key word in the history of the IPPC/IED has been ”integration”. Combatting classic pollution is not anymore enough, when we must solve multiple environmental problems of the 21th century. Now the IED should become integrated also to climate and circular economy targets. More integrated IED could serve as even more comprehensive legislative tool for many environmental policies. This kind of integration helps also companies by making more simple and stable EU legislation for them.
Integration could be improved also by taking more activities into the scope of the IED (e.g. aquaculture, mining etc.). On the other hand, there should be possibility to stop the use of the worst old technologies (e.g. peat mining and burning).
The ambition level of the IED and BATs etc. should be raised to achieve all EU environmental targets. This means also that derogation possibilities should be reduced. The best way to improve implementation is develop the IED to a new Regulation.
Toiminnanjohtaja Tapani Veistola
- +358 400 615 530
- tapani.veistola(a)sll.fi